Off the Grid for 4 days
25th of July, 2007 - 17:10
I'll be completely off the grid until the evening of Guru-purnima.
Reflections: Emotional Freedom
10th of July, 2007 - 16:15
A recent visit to the Dandavats news site — the first since many moons — got me reading an article by Bir Krishna Goswami of ISKCON on the emotional dysfunctions that have followed the ISKCON paradigm. I'm copying my comments here along with a prologue (that incidentally ended up being longer than the prologued content) on why this is relevant .
Hindu Afterworlds: A Journey Across Heaven and Hell
3rd of July, 2007 - 18:58
The concepts of heaven and hell as destinations of afterlife are sometimes thought of as the exclusive domain of Abrahamic religions. However, heaven and hell are also described in the Hindu scriptures — and very colorfully and elaborately at that!
Guru Purnima, The Day of the Guru
1st of July, 2007 - 7:28
Guru Purnima, the full-moon day of the Indian month of Ashad, is a yearly festival where ancient sage Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas, and all Hindu gurus, seen as his representatives, are paid homage to and worshiped.
Hindu Afterworlds: A Journey Across Heaven and Hell
Posted: 3rd of July, 2007 - 18:58
![]() • A Glance at Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions • The Universe of the Puranas • The Worlds of Heaven • The Earthly Plane • The Underworlds • Down Below — Entering Hell • The 28 Primary Hells • The World Beyond
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