Update on the situation
17th of February, 2005 - 21:59

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Update on the situation
Posted: 17th of February, 2005 - 21:59
Apologies to everyone for the long break. As many of you probably already know, my internet provider decided to shut down the show for three weeks or so as they were building a new tower for better network coverage, and apparently even money couldn't buy internet access during the blackout. We did try five phones with two providers, but things just didn't work out at all.

I'll catch up eventually with the backlog, I promise. I don't know at which pace I can key things in, but I am young and I still have many years to go (knocks the wood), so I'm sure I'll get it in for all of you. Though internet was offline, my laptop wasn't turned off. We've gathered hours and hours of nectarine video and audio that will become eventually available. For now, check out the new entry at the Media-section, ten audio-clips discussing the topic of guru-tattva.

For all of you who sent us e-mails, we'll catch up with all of them eventually. I'll be posting a note both here and at Gaudiya Discussions once the log is cleared, and if by then you still haven't heard from us, please resend your message.

Radhe Radhe!
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